Vocabulary as Amazon Seller

Vocabulary as Amazon Seller  VocabularyAsAmazonSeller

It is never too late to learn something new. When you want to understand a new subject, you have to begin with the vocabulary. It has been my case as Amazon Seller. Here are some expressions that I had to find their signification:

Il n’est jamais trop tard pour apprendre quelque chose de nouveau. Lorsque vous voulez comprendre un nouveau sujet, vous devez commencer par le vocabulaire. Cela a été mon cas en tant que vendeur sur Amazon. Voici quelques expressions qu’il me fallait trouver la signification :

FOB = Free On Board
FBA = Fulfillment By Amazon
Amazon FBA’s Warehouses = Where you send items
ASIN = Amazon Standard Identification Number 12 digits
EASIN = European Amazon Standard Identification Number 13 digits
LLC = Limited Liability Company
IOR = Importer of Record (Customs)
DDP = Delivered Duty Paid
US CBP = US Customs and Border Protection represent importers in customs matters
FF = Freight Forwarder
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer
ODM = Original Design Manufacturer
Amazon Private Label = Brand Name
SKU = Stock-Keeping Unit UGS = Unité de Gestion des Stocks (SKU)
Seller SKU = Seller Stock-Keeping Unit in FBA
Merchant SKU = Merchant Stock-Keeping Unit
FNSKU = code bar from the brand name’s seller
Barcode = Unique identification. As ISBN for books.
ISBN = International Standard Book Number
UPC = Universal Product Code = Barcode for US and Canada
CUP = Code Universel des Produits = Code-barres pour US et Canada
EAN = European Article Numbering = Barcode for Europe, Australia and many others.
Catalog Number = give the barcode for a brand name
For buying your own UPC: www.cheapupcbarcode.com
MOQ = Minimum Order Quantity
BSR = Best Seller Ranking
PU leather = PolyUrethane leather
PI = Proforma Invoice
BTW = By the way 🙂
Edible = comestible
Wafer = gaufrette
Genuine = authentique, vrai, véritable

In lighting:
DEL Diode ElectroLuminescent
LED Luminescent Electro Diode
COB Chip On Board (COB is the newest LED)

I will add others as long as I found news.
It is probably the last post before this site will change for an e-commerce site.

Thanks for reading!


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