One Night’s Mystery

One Night’s Mystery One Night’s Mystery was first serialized in “New York Weekly” and the “London Journal” before being published in book form in 1876, toward the end of Fleming’s life. It is a prime example of the type of work Fleming wrote, romantic suspense with a few Gothic elements… Read more“One Night’s Mystery”

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The Necromancer

The Necromancer The Tale of the Black Forest Founded on Facts The Necromancer consists of a series of interconnected stories, all centering on the enigmatic figure of Volkert the Necromancer. Filled with murder, ghosts, and dark magic, and featuring a delirious and dizzying plot that almost defies comprehension, The Necromancer… Read more“The Necromancer”

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THE CHARING CROSS MYSTERY Charing Cross is a junction in London, England, where six routes meet. A retired police inspector on vacation dies suddenly on a train, it sets in motion a whole tangle of intrigue and mystery. If you like mystery and suspense, you will love this classic story…. Read more“THE CHARING CROSS MYSTERY”

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The Chinese Parrot

The Chinese Parrot Charlie Chan Mystery 2   Master detective Charlie Chan had to find the answer to a question, a question posed by a dead parrot who spoke in Chinese. He embarks on a journey across the desert fo find it. He has to go incognito. What happens? You’ll… Read more“The Chinese Parrot”

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A GREAT THIEF Episodes in the Life of the Illustrious Colonel Clay   His name is Colonel Clay or Monsieur Caoutchouc because he can transform himself in many different personages. A master of disguise. How he can make it? The millionnaire Sir Charles VanDrift had to recognize and catch him… Read more“A GREAT THIEF”

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The Almost Perfect Murder

The Almost Perfect Murder   A Case Book of Mme. Storey   Mme. Storey is perhaps the most celebrated woman detective in fiction. Her detective ability is aided to some extent by feminine intuition, but she achieves results, amazingly successful results, for the problems here elucidated certainly proved baffling enough… Read more“The Almost Perfect Murder”

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ORCHIDS TO MURDER (Illustrated) by Hulbert Footner   A young woman disappeared the day that she was supposed to marry her love. Where is she? What happened? Lee, one of her friend, is a detective and will search for all this entangled affair. Bad news and great mystery are waiting… Read more“ORCHIDS TO MURDER”

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